

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Early am post.

The other day I went to some churches around Granada.  Iglesia La Merced has a huge bell tower that you can climb up to and get some great views of Granada.  Here are some pics. 

Here's the back of a residential area.  This is a tributary that floods into Lake Nicaragua during the rainy season.

And these here are mamones.  They are delicious and very weird. They grow in bundles in trees.

You are supposed to crack them open with your teeth or fingernail.  The texture is like a peeled grape. 

Then you pop it in your mouth and suck all the fruit meat off of it. 

Then you spit out the seeds in the middle. 

There is another variation of this fruit.  It is even weirder but much more yummy.  I'll post about that when I find some again. Have a great day! 

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