

Monday, July 29, 2013

Last beach weekend adventure... Part 2: Coco

I left off with Todd picking us up.  So we get to Playa Coco and I introduce the Frenchies to Amanda.  Etienne politely excused himself and headed straight to the beach, board in hand.  I went with him and gave him a quick lesson.  Probably not the best teacher, but I helped out some ;) By the end of the day, he was calling himself Kelly Slater.  

Bob and Claudia showed up around lunch time to join in on the fun.  We started drinking rum and Tonas. At 4, the Frenchies left to go back to Masaya.  The 5 of us and one of the guests next door went to Leonardo's bar for more rum.

One of Leo's sons really wanted my digits.  Everyone helped run interference.  He asked me if Todd and Amanda were my parents.  I said yes, I was adopted.... I am about 10 shades darker than both of them.  Todd is toe-headed.  Amanda has blue eyes.  Bob was my adopted brother.  Haha. Still didn't get him away.  He was nice, super machismo, very buzzed. Obviously, doesn't hold a candle to Mr. Krancyants.

We returned to the beach house, all buzzing. Surfed some waves and whitewater :) and Clau made an awesome dinner.  We ate outside by candlelight, with the sounds of waves pounding on the beach.  Got eaten alive by mosquitos, and crashed hard almost immediately after dinner.

I've never had a better night of sleep. We got up early because there as a blackout and the fans turned off.   We had some coffee, and Todd, Bob and I were off into the ocean by 7:15.  The waves were huge.  I caught one really good one.  Then I got braver and went out with the men.  It took me almost an hour to get out past the break.  It was hard work with that long board. And once I got there, I realized these were a little too big for me. I mustered u some more courage, and I tried to take one in.  Bob was infront and to the left of me.  Just as I was at the peak/crest/whatever you call it, I saw his face.  I looked down. Peed myself alittle, figuratively of course. and stroked backwards super hard.  That wave would have destroyed me. haha.  Eventually,  I found a smaller one and rode that sucker all the way into shore.  It was awesome.  Amanda got pics of the end of my ride.

We had an awesome day.  I am lucky to have people like Todd, Amanda, Bob, and Clau in my life.  A nice family away from family. Great people, living the dream in a great country.  What more could you need?

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